Identify a physical NIC from the Linux CLI with ‘ethtool’

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Profile image of Mattias Geniar

Mattias Geniar, December 24, 2015

Follow me on Twitter as @mattiasgeniar

If you ever need to, you can use a linux tool called ethtool to have the physical NICs on a server blink to identify it. This is especially useful in a remote-hands scenario when you aren’t physically behind the server.

To identify a NIC, use the -p or --identify option. Here’s how the manpage describes it.

$ man ethtool

-p --identify
Initiates adapter-specific action intended to enable an operator to easily
identify the adapter by sight.  Typically this involves blinking one or more
LEDs  on  the  specific  network port.

To use it, add the network interface to the command.

$ ethtool -p eth0

If the command succeeds, it’ll keep the terminal busy and you can CTRL+C to exit it. If you’re testing this on a virtual NIC (VMware, Xen, …), you’ll be prompted that the feature is – logically – unavailable.

$ ethtool -p eth0
Cannot identify NIC: Operation not supported

Handy little tool!

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