My Laracon EU talk: Minimum Viable Linux

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Profile image of Mattias Geniar

Mattias Geniar, November 27, 2018

Follow me on Twitter as @mattiasgeniar

The recorded video of my presentation I gave at Laracon EU last summer.

The title is, in hindsight, a badly chosen one. I tried to make it a pun on “Minimum Viable Product” (you know, the startup-y stuff), but it ended up giving perhaps a false expectation to the audience thinking it was about minimal linux distros, which it wasn’t.

I plan to give this talk some more times, but i’ll change a few things;

  • Skip the Linux landscape intro (does anyone still care?)
  • Change the title to something more like “Troubleshooting PHP as a Linux sysadmin
  • Perhaps skip the SSH stuff, just keep the tunnel information (to help in debugging)
  • Focus more on live-troubleshooting with strace and introduce sysdig

Lots of lessons learned from me in this talk, it was by far the talk that received the most widely ranging feedback. From 1/10 to 10/10.

Most – I think – was related to wrong expectations from the start (hence, changing the title).

The goal is – and will continue to be – to show debugging techniques that are more sysadmin focussed, to show a different perspective on debugging applications.

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