MySQL: #1054 – Unknown column ‘table.columnname’ in ‘on clause’ Even Though Column Name Exists

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Profile image of Mattias Geniar

Mattias Geniar, October 30, 2008

Follow me on Twitter as @mattiasgeniar

You might run in to the following problem with a MySQL 5 installation.

FROM table1, table2
INNER JOIN table3 on table1.columnname = table3.columnname;

> #1054 – Unknown column ‘table1.columnname’ in ‘on clause’

While that would have been a valid query for previous MySQL versions, there is now a requirement to add round brackets around the tables you want to select through a “FROM”-clause.

Change the query to the following, and it will work again.

FROM (table1, table2)
INNER JOIN table3 on table1.columnname = table3.columnname;

You will most likely see this behaviour when upgrading from a MySQL4 to a MySQL5 environment, and it’s a b*tch to track this one down. The following bug reports were also made on MySQL, which might prove useful to you should the above not work.

  • Bug #1689: Unknown column in ‘field list’ for a field that does exist
  • Bug #13551: #1054 – Unknown column ‘xxxx’ in ‘on clause’
  • Bug #13597: Column in ON condition not resolved if references a table in nested right join

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