Since there is hardly information about this issue to be found online, I’ll share the fix for this solution so others may benefit from it. This seems to only occur when running Plesk inside Virtuozzo Containers.
You can get the following error when adding a new physical hosting to a domain in Plesk.
Unable to validate password policy: Unable to validate password policy: (1753) There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper.
-–-–-–-–-–-–-— Debug Info -–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-–-—
0: plib\class.SysUser.php:143
SysUser::checkPasswordPolicy(string ‘-user-', string ‘-pass-')
1: plib\class.SysUser.php:313
SysUser->chk_login_(string ‘-user-')
2: plib\class.cObject.php:213
cObject->setAttr(string ‘login’, string ‘-user-')
3: plib\class.SysUser.php:391
SysUser->setAttr(string ‘login’, string ‘-user-')
4: plib\class.cObject.php:496
5: plib\class.SysUser.php:681
6: plib\class.PHostingManager.php:1587
7: htdocs\domains\hosting\phosting_setup.php:174
You can verify the problem by logging into your Virtuozzo Container and running the following command(s).
C:> cd C:\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin
C:\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin> usermng.exe –validate-password-policy –login=youruser –password=yourpass
Unable to validate password policy: (1753) There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper.
The solution is to run the following command within your Virtuozzo Container, to set the start type of the Windows Firewall to “manual”.
C:> sc config sharedaccess start= demand
Then restart your container from the Virtuozzzo Server.
C:> vzctl restart CTID
And start your shared firewall in the container manually.
C:> net start sharedaccess
That should fix it if you retry to add the user.
C:\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin>usermng.exe –validate-password-policy –login=randomuser –password=randompass
Good luck!