“Show Full Processlist;” Equivalent Of MySQL For PostgreSQL

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Profile image of Mattias Geniar

Mattias Geniar, February 23, 2010

Follow me on Twitter as @mattiasgeniar

MySQL has a very powerfull command through “show full processlist;", to see a list of currently running queries.

# mysql
# mysql > show full processlist;

PostgreSQL has a similar shell to MySQL, named psql. Here’s how it works. First, change to the postgres user.

# su postgres

Enter the PostgreSQL command shell.

# [postgres@srv]$ psql

And perform the query to see the current activity.

postgres=# select * from pg_stat_activity;

To quit the PostgreSQL shell, type "\q".

This requires you have PostgreSQL configured to enable logging.  Edit your PostgreSQL config file (usually at /usr/local/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf), and add the following line.

stats_command_string = true

And reload your PostgreSQL.

pg_ctl reload

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