Varnish VCL: Case Insensitive Regex

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Mattias Geniar, April 27, 2015

Follow me on Twitter as @mattiasgeniar

By default, a regex match in Varnish happens case sensitive. If you want to use a case insensitive check, you can use the (?i) flag.

This is a normal, case sensitive regex check:

if ( ~ "^domain.(be|nl|com)$") {

To make the same check case insensitive, add the (?i) modifier at the beginning.

if ( ~ "(?i)^domain.(be|nl|com)$") {

Odd as it may be, some people type in their domain names with caps, and the browser does not convert those to lowercase on submit. Though in practice, every Host-header is treated as a lowercase value in all webserver configs.

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