WikiLeaks’ mirrors: where are they hosted?

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Profile image of Mattias Geniar

Mattias Geniar, December 06, 2010

Follow me on Twitter as @mattiasgeniar

It’s been all over the tech-news lately, every hosting provider supplying WikiLeaks, is under attack. Either their DNS infrastructure, or the servers in specific. Which is why they decided to mass-spread the content, over various mirrors.

Since each of these mirrors is a potential DDoS invite, it’s worth noting for ISPs if any of these mirrors are hosted within their network. Not to shut them down (freedome of speech, netneutrality, …), but to be aware of the potential risk, and to take appropriate measures to protect the rest of their network.

To make this slighly easier, I created a page that parses Wikileaks’ mirror list, and matches them to their ISP (via RIPE WHOIS):

While it’s far from perfect, it’s good enough for “60 minute hack”, to present the mirrors in a new format.

Click through for the list: “Where are WikiLeaks’ mirrors hosted?".

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