2010 in numbers: statistics, statistics & statistics

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Mattias Geniar, December 31, 2010

Follow me on Twitter as @mattiasgeniar

I figure I’ll share these numbers for a change. :-)

Visitors / Pageviews

Visits 2009: 99,240

Pageviews 2009: 131,381

Visits 2010: 93,295(-5.9%)

Pageviews 2010: 125,309 (-4.62%)


These were the most active posts of this year (by number of visits).

Install GD Library For PHP5 On CentOS (8,729)

Is your GMail notifier suddently broken? (5,399)

How To Compile And Install PHP Extensions From Source (4,367)

Input Validation: Using filter_var() Over Regular Expressions (4,065)

So in fact, a small decline in the number of visitors, but I’m still fairly happy. As this is mostly just a repository of “things I should remember”, I’m glad it has served others as well.

I’ll conclude that I should blog more next year. :-)

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