I’ve been cursing at this quite often. Since this is a tech-related blog with code snippets, command line arguments, … running it on wordpress means that it always results in having characters replaced by the WordPress default formatting. In the end, that means that a single quote ' or a double quote " would always get replaced by a better-looking HTML character. That made copy/pasting from this blog to a terminal near impossible.
Previously, I would just hack the WordPress core (for WordPress 3.3 and 3.2 or 3.1) by editting some files. But any update would of course undo my change, since hacking the core of anything makes kittens cry.
Therefore it was time to create a solid fix, one that would last through the different updates. So I present to you, my Undo WordPress Default Formatting plugin for WordPress!
It’s a very simple thing but I’m sure it applies to a lot of techblogs out there running on WordPress.
**Plugin page at WordPress: **http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/undo-wordpress-default-formatting/
I’ll keep the subversion repository up-to-date, so feel free to report any findings via the page at wordpress.org.